The Science Behind the Activator Technique
At Canning Vale Chiropractic, we are passionate about offering numerous effective chiropractic techniques. One of our specialties is the Activator technique, where it is possible to enhance a person’s overall wellness by addressing musculoskeletal issues using a handheld Activator adjusting instrument. When an Activator technique chiropractor uses this instrument, they are able to carry out adjustments to the precise area of the spine or joints they are working on.
When our team delivers the Activator chiropractic technique, they can approach the affected area much more gently than other methods. Unlike manual adjustments, the Activator method of chiropractic techniques is extremely low-force. Quick and specific pulses are delivered to the targeted area, encouraging correct realignment and alleviating discomfort, meaning your visit to Canning Vale Chiropractic is fast and seamless.
What makes the Activator technique a chiropractic success is how precise it targets the area without the need for manual manipulation. This precision allows each treatment to be fully tailored, ensuring the best possible results with minimal risk. If you would like to know more about Canning Vale Chiropractic or the Activator technique, contact us today or read our FAQs.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Does the Activator Technique Differ from Other Chiropractic Methods?
While other Chiropractic techniques involve manual manipulation of the affected area of the spine or joint, the Activator technique involves an instrument that delivers an extremely precise spring-loaded yet gentle pulse directly to the affected area. This means that the Activator chiropractic technique is suitable for people of all ages and sensitivity.
Is the Activator Method Suitable for Everyone?
It certainly is; the Activator method is a chiropractic technique suitable for those of all ages and health conditions. As the method is non-invasive, gentle, fast, and painless, it is well suited to those unable or uncomfortable with undergoing traditional chiropractic treatment.
Reference: Australian Chiropractors Association